Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Triple Whammy, aka Making Up For Lost Time

You know, I didn't realise I'd been gone a whole two months. That really is a break.

For what it's worth, I've just been very busy. In terms of actual lecture time and subsequent work, there hasn't been much to do, but university has sucked up so much of my attention that I've found it impossible to focus on anything else. Including posting here. Which sucks. But anyway, my six-week Christmas holiday is now upon me, and one 2000-word essay aside, I've got nothing pressing on my time.

But before I go into that, there's something else I need to say. Though I haven't responded to them directly, I have been reading everyone's comments, and I'm
very grateful for them. It's always nice to know people are reading your work, and it's even nicer to know that they think you've actually created things of value. So, basically, thanks for reading, and for being so positive. I don't deserve it, but hey, I'm not about to pass up free love.

But anyway, back to the other thing. As I said, I've now got muchos time to write and post and stuff. So, provided nothing unexpected and horrible happens, you'll be seeing quite a few random bits and pieces cropping up here. To whit, as the title indicates, I've now got
three works to show you.

These are all poems from the "Writing Poetry" module I was
attending last semester, and to my mind, the best things I created whilst I was there. This time around, I'm not going to give any explanations of what they're about or where they come from, simply because it would take too damn long, and I really can't be bothered. So, instead, I'll just say one thing: these poems are designed to be taken entirely at face value, so please don't go looking for a higher point.

Oh yes, and enjoy...

Sonnet Ω

“I cut my eyes with the shards of my broken dreams.”
Is this it?
Is this all we’ve achieved? Five thousand years
of poetry, and this is all we can say?

Say I love you.

Say my life sucks.
Say overturn everything.
Say everything is pointless.
The same old shit, day after day after day after day after day after day after day…
I think that says it all, but I have
three more lines to
fill. [smiles] Or not.

But the final couplet? Devastating.
“Poor little Johnny Culper. Always so tired.
Stays up ‘till sunrise, talking to God.”


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